Choosing a Dental Bridge? Let These 3 Questions Guide Your Selection

That long-dreaded moment has finally arrived—the loss of one or more teeth due to an accident, disease, or surgically-necessary extraction. If looking into a mirror or smiling in public causes you no end of embarrassment, or if eating has become a struggle instead of a pleasure, it's time to look at filling that gap in your mouth. Dental bridges have proven a popular and successful technique for doing just that. But before you leap into the decision to enlist dental bridge services in your area, answer the following three questions to help you make the perfect tooth replacement choice for your needs. [Read More]

How To Recover From A Root Canal

Having a cavity is one thing, but having an infection in the root of your tooth is another. When bacteria gets inside of the pulp underneath your tooth, it can cause pain, swelling, and irritation. Typically, to get rid of bacteria and infection, your dentist will perform a procedure called a root canal. During a root canal procedure, your dentist will remove the pulp in your tooth and all of the bacteria. [Read More]

3 Signs It Is Time To See Your Dentist

You should see your dentist on a regular basis. However, that isn't always possible. If you have not seen your dentist recently, here are a few signs that you should schedule an appointment soon. #1 Your Mouth Feels Sensitive Your mouth should not feel sensitive during normal day to day activities if you have not experienced any trauma to your mouth. If you start to feel random pain in your mouth, or you start to notice areas in your mouth that feel more sensitive than others, your body is letting you know that something is wrong with your mouth. [Read More]

3 Faqs About Dental Implants

If you have missing teeth, there are a variety of options to consider if you want to restore your smile. If all or most of your teeth are missing, you might want to go with a complete set of dentures. However, if only a few of your teeth are missing, one option is a partial denture. If you would prefer to stay away from dentures altogether, dental implants might be your best choice. [Read More]