Are Ceramic Braces Right For You?

If you need to correct your teeth with braces, then you might be a bit worried about the future. After all, braces can seem pretty awkward and uncomfortable, particularly if you are concerned about the appearance of your smile. Thankfully, there are different types of braces, and some are much easier to hide than others. Here is an explanation of one such option: ceramic braces. What are ceramic braces? While you might be familiar with traditional braces, you might not have known that ceramic can actually be used in place of metal. [Read More]

Tips For Helping Your Child Cope With Braces

You may not be happy when you learn your child needs to wear braces. Besides the expense, you may imagine the next few years filled with arguments about keeping the braces clean and not losing the retainer. However, wearing braces does not have to be a bad experience for you or your child. Here are a few tips for making the experience more pleasant. Choose Kid-Friendly Braces There are different types of braces your child can wear. [Read More]

A Short Guide To Replacing A Tooth

There are many reasons why you might need to get a tooth replaced. Maybe you were injured and lost some teeth in your mouth. Maybe one of your teeth is infected and is beyond saving. Regardless of your situation, you might be worried and apprehensive about the future. You might be curious and fearful of what lies ahead. To help assuage some of those fears, here is an explanation of exactly why you need to get your tooth replaced and some of the most common options for doing so: [Read More]

All About Getting A Crown

If you have a tooth that's in bad shape, whether due to an injury or tooth decay, then you may be a good candidate for a crown. Having a crown put on that tooth will help protect its integrity and restore it so you can keep your natural looking smile. If you are unaware of everything involved with getting a crown, this article will educate you on the process. Your first appointment [Read More]